I have always loved reading wuxia (武侠 martial arts) novels, especially those written by Jin Yong (金庸) and Gu Long (古龙). The plots, dialogue, characters and fighting styles often play out in my mind’s eye.

The idea to explore wuxia through painting began as a playful thought. I was working on my sunflower series, and my mind wandered to the kuihua baodian (葵花宝典 “sunflower manual”), a martial arts manual from Jin Yong’s The Smiling, Proud Wanderer《笑傲江湖》. I created a work of swaying sunflowers and flitting petals and titled it Feng Qing Yang (风清扬 “the wind winnows”), the name of a character in the novel. This set my imagination in motion.

“A chivalric man does his part for his country and people,” says Guo Jing to Yang Guo in Jin Yong’s The Return of the Condor Heroes. To my mind, a great swordsman doesn’t simply possess great martial arts skills. He is also righteous in his deeds, loyal to his comrades, and protects his country and people with his life.

In the wuxia world evildoers exist, but there are also righteous heroes who render help when they see injustice. I have faith that in our real world, like in the wuxia novels, good will ultimately triumph over evil. Man’s benevolence will set things right and enable righteousness to perpetuate.

我自中学开始就喜欢阅读武侠小说 , 尤其是金庸和古龙的小说,常常废寝忘食 、夜半挑灯 , 只为了多看一页书中人物的肝胆相照和义无反顾 。小说中的情节 、人物或招式名称都常常给我无穷的想像空间和画面 。

几年前我创作向日葵系列 , 会无厘头的联想到金庸先生武侠小说《笑傲江湖》中的「葵花宝典」。我画了一幅花瓣随风而飘的向日葵作品 , 索性以书中人物「风清扬」为作品名称 。武侠小说中有许多素材让我得到新的创作联想 。这些最初源于好玩有趣的模糊构思, 在我认真思考后决定把武侠小说及水墨画这两种我喜爱的艺术结合在一块 , 用画笔一圆自己多年来心中的武侠梦 。

