60 x 60 cm
Pigment, ink and colour on paper
Bak Chiang draws from his strong foundation in Chinese ink painting while embracing the traditions of Western painting. His ability to fuse these two disciplines is a distinction of his practice. His works are filled with curious surprises; the combination of blank spaces unique to traditional Chinese painting with Western-style compositional treatment is not only non-conflicting but also complementary … his originality offers refreshingly new perspectives.
… the concept of space inspires him to deconstruct, isolate and subtly rearrange elements in his works. He is freed from the many constraints in traditional Chinese painting, traversing the discipline without inhibition. The results are nonetheless down-to-earth works that effect wonder of the ordinary and allow intrinsic qualities to speak for themselves.
~Tan Kian Por, “A Flair Born of Untainted Inspiration” (excerpt) in Fa Zi Hua Sheng exhibition catalogue, 2003
…… 在绘画的观念上,他受到空间思维的启发,把要表现的物象或解体或抽离或隐引进行重组,解放了传统绘画的许多束缚,得以自由放任,海阔天空,而这一切的出现,最后落实于平实稳健,寓奇于平,以本身的特质与素养体现出来。
~陈建坡, “天机清旷 曳曳独造”,《法自画生》画册序文, 2003年